As a Non-Medical Help (NMH) Provider, Onyx Support offers a variety of services to students, universities and organisations, enabling individuals to flourish in their chosen areas of study and work. Through providing one to one support and workshops, encouraging practical support and strategies to reduce the challenges faced. Support is tailored to students depending on their current needs. Our support workers offer the following roles:
Practical Support Assistant
Library Support Assistant
Workshop/Laboratory Assistant
Sighted Guide
Proof Reader/Text Checker
Study Assistant
Examination Support Worker
Note Taker
Communication Support Worker
Lip Speaker
Specialist Note Taker
Specialist Transcription Service
Mobility Trainer
Specialist Mentor - Mental Health/AS
Specialist 1:1 Support
BSL Interpreter
Assistive Technology Trainer
Specialist Support Professional
These roles are DSA and Institutional funded support roles.
We also offer one to one support for students who are not in receipt of DSA but require some support on topics such as:
Confidence building
Help completing forms
CV building
Wellbeing improvement
Employability support
Social support
Proof-reading and much more.
For more information, please 'Contact us'.